I am so happy that I have found this ground-breaking article: the renowned US business magazine Forbes confirms what I have been feeling all along:
Among the 15 challenges to Female Leadership, Forbes mentions a lack of Sisterhood and Confidence as well as Negative Thought Spiraling.
These were the exact reasons why I built this network. Yoga and Mindfulness practices have helped me a lot when it came to dealing with stress and self doubts. But I felt that something else was missing: a supportive and nurturing community, a safe space where we can all express our needs and find more clarity and confidence.
But not only for my my life as an entrepreneur, also for my private concerns and ideas. After all, we don't just stop being who we are when we are at work, right? So to me, this all goes hand in hand. This is why to me, "Female Leadership" is a concept that goes beyond the corporate world.
It also means "Feminine Self-Leadership" which is the art of living your life the way you want to live it. We all have been shaped by our cultures, families, communities, but what is it that really fulfills us? And how can we reach it? By being aware of our thoughts, emotions, and actions to consicously lead them in the direction we want to go.
One of our main challenges in life is to control our thoughts instead of leading our lives on the basis of subconsicous programmings. This can be done in a very analytical way or in a more feminine way by connecting ourselves to our innate women's and whomb's wisdom.
Read more about the 15 challenges on Forbes.
